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Vidya Academy of Science & Technology

A unit of Vidya International Charitable Trust

Accredited by NAAC with "B++" grade

Civil Engineering

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Civil Engineering is known to be the mother of all engineering disciplines. It is an all- pervasive engineering profession, full of opportunities and challenges. Civil Engineering addresses all aspects of the infrastructure facilities necessary for modern living such as buildings, transportation systems, water supply and waste water treatments, environmental protection etc. Civil Engineering actually plays the role of nation building. The construction boom in India and abroad provides plenty of opportunities for Civil Engineers. So VAST is trying to mold the students as world class Engineers.
The Department of Civil Engineering was established in 2006 and over the years, it has achieved manifold progress in various domains and has acquired a legacy of its own.
The Civil Engineering Department offers a four-year B. Tech programme for 60 students and a 2-year M. Tech programme for 12 students. Also, there is provision for four lateral entries to the third semester for diploma holders. The Department has a full-fledged infrastructure system with well-equipped UG laboratories, Computer centre, Smart classrooms and tutorial halls. Civil Engineering association established with the intention of fertilizing technical and extracurricular activities of students apart from the regular curriculum.
The Department is a turning to centre of excellence (i) Active involvement in government as well as private consultancy works with the participation from students, so as to bridge the gap between industry and academia (ii) Sanctioned funded projects from government agencies KTU-CERD, KSCSTE etc. (iii) Ample placement opportunities for civil engineering graduates in Public and Public core and IT sectors (iv) Experienced faculty.

The Vision of the Department
Progress through quality education by keeping pace with new challenges in the field of Civil Engineering.
The Mission of the Department

  • M1: To provide an academic environment for the students for developing as capable professionals by empowering them with knowledge, skills, moral values and confidence.
  • M2: To prepare the students to become global leaders of tomorrow by promoting team work practices and inculcating communication and managerial skills.
  • M3: To equip the students to accept new challenges by ensuring effective teaching and learning processes; involving them in research, consultancy and development activities; and providing them with exposure to the state-of-the-art infrastructure.


Dr. Abhilasha P.S.

M.Tech, Ph.D

Professor & HoD

04885287751 Ext : 200

Previous Experience :- 18.5 years Teaching experience and 2 years Industrial experience.

Areas of Interest :-

  • Geosynthetics, Geotechnical Engineering, Dam Safety, Structural Engineering, Indian Knowledge System, ISO 9001:2015.
Other Contribution Areas-
  • Reviewer of International Conferences
  • Advisory board member of National Conference
  • Consultancy works related with Slope protection and other Civil Engineering Area
  • QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Lead Auditor, Certified by Bureau Veritas Chennai.
  • Principal Investigator for KTU CERD funded Research Project "Application of geotextiles as filter in embankment dams".
  • Winner of RASHTRAPATI GUIDE Award.
  • Journals
a. International-10

b. National-3

  • Conferences
a. International-9

b. National-2

  • MISSION 10 X team has uploaded the Two Sessions prepared namely
a.Total Station and

b. Compass Survey, in the Mission 10 x portal.

Membership in Professional Bodies

  • Indian Society for Technical Education
  • Institution of Engineers India
  • Indian Science Congress


Dr. Abhilasha P.S.


M.Tech, Ph.D

Professor & HoD

04885287751 Ext : 200

Dr. C. Justine Jose


M-Tech., Ph.D., MIE, MISTE

Dr. Anjali P. Sasidharan

Associate Professor

M.Tech., PhD

04885287751 Ext : 185

Ms. Nirmala Krishnan

Assistant Professor


04885287751 Ext : 185

Ms. Nisha Varghese

Assistant Professor


04885287751 Ext : 185

Ms. Chithira Ajeeth

Assistant Professor

B.Tech., M.Tech

04885287751 Ext : 185

Ms. Chithra M

Assistant Professor

B.Tech., M.Tech

04885287751 Ext : 185

Ms. Seetha Pisharikkel

Assistant Professor

B.Tech., M.Tech

04885287751 Ext : 185

Ms. Ponsy Paul

Assistant Professor

B.Tech., M.Tech, PGDBM

04885287751 Ext : 185

Ms. Kalyani Vijayakumar

Assistant Professor


04885287751 Ext : 185

Ms. Roshni Vijay

Assistant Professor


04885287751 Ext : 201

Ms. Anu Maria Antony

Assistant Professor


04885287751 Ext : 201

Mr. Renjith R

Assistant Professor


Ext : 201

Ms. Ardra P Nair

Assistant Professor


Ext : 201

Mr. Kiran Babu A R

Assistant Professor


Ext : 201

Ms. Gloria Anto

Assistant Professor


04885287751 Ext : 185

Ms.Anakha V.A.

Assistant Professor


Ext : 185

Ms. Premalatha A S

Trade Instructor

Diploma in Civil Engineering

04885287751 Ext : 192

Mr. Sudhakaran T.T

Trade Instructor


04885287751 Ext : 145,721

Ms. Athira K S

Trade Instructor


Ext : 170

Ms. Reshma K C

Trade Instructor


PEOs, POs & PSOs

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

  • PEO 1:   Our graduates will apply fundamental technical knowledge and skills to find creative solutions to technological challenges and problems in various areas of basic sciences and civil engineering and contribute to society and nation when solving engineering problems and producing reliable solutions.
  • PEO 2:  Our graduates will contribute to the professional practice of their chosen field through effective communication, leadership, team work and service while exhibiting high ethical and professional standards in fulfilling their responsibilities to both employers and society.
  • PEO 3: Our graduates will continue lifelong learning through professional activities and training and take up higher education, engage in research and development in civil engineering and allied areas of science and technology.

Program Outcomes (POs)

  • PO-1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and Civil Engineering to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  • PO-2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyse complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  • PO-3: Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  • PO-4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  • PO-5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  • PO-6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  • PO-7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  • PO-8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  • PO-9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  • PO-10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  • PO-11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  • PO-12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

  • PSO 1: Achieve excellence   in the areas of planning, analysis and design related to all divisions of Civil Engineering. 
  • PSO 2: Achieve effective communication skills to work in a team as a member or as a leader in diverse professional environments.
  • PSO 3: Achieve eminence in finding sustainable solutions to complex Civil Engineering problems through self-learning and research.


KTU 2024 Syllabus

S1S2 BTech (2024 )

S3 to S8 BTech (2024)


Civil Engineering Workshop

The Workshop is intended to conduct the fundamental experiments in Civil Engineering. Civil Engineering Workshop is included in the first-year curriculum for all engineering disciplines which introduces students to the dynamic field and provides hands-on experience. This workshop offers valuable insights into the practical aspects of civil engineering, helping students understand the real-world applications of their studies and preparing them for future professional challenges.

Material Testing Laboratory



The testing and inspection of steel, concrete, and aggregate are crucial components of quality construction, and this laboratory is dedicated to performing various tests to evaluate their properties. The laboratory specializes in evaluating the plastic and hardened properties of concrete, the hardness of metals, and the quality of rebars, which can significantly impact their performance. Additionally, the laboratory provides testing services for admixtures during the mix design process. Steel rebars are crucial components of reinforced concrete structures, and their quality and strength are crucial to ensuring the structural integrity of such structures. This laboratory provides testing services for steel rebars using specialized equipment such as Universal Testing Machines and hardness testing equipment. These tests evaluate the strength, durability, and physical properties of the rebars, providing valuable information that construction professionals can use to ensure the safety and durability of structures. The laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and can offer consultancy and testing services to State Government and private organizations

Surveying Laboratory



This laboratory houses various surveying instruments viz. Electronic Total station, Auto levels, Theodolite, Dumpy levels. This lab provides facility for surveying sites and generating contour maps This lab has digital devices to measure distance between points. Conventional surveying equipment’s are also available in this lab.

Environmental Engineering Laboratory

The Environmental Engineering laboratory provides students with practical exposure to testing water, and wastewater samples. Through experiments and analysis, students learn pollution monitoring techniques and sustainable solutions, enhancing their understanding of environmental challenges and preparing them for careers in environmental engineering and management. Major equipments: UV-VIS digital spectrophotometer, BOD incubator, Digital Nephelometer, Water analyser, Oven, Muffle furnace Experiments Conducted: Tests for assessment of water quality parameters such as Alkalinity, Acidity, Hardness, Chloride, Iron, Dissolved oxygen, BOD & COD, Sulphates, Sulphides, pH, Total solids, Electrical conductivity, Turbidity

Geotechnical Laboratory

A geotechnical engineering laboratory helps in identifying the engineering behaviour of soils and rocks. There are different physical, chemical and geotechnical properties determined in the laboratory that are required for identifying the geomaterials. This information is used by geotechnical engineers for designing the type of foundations, earthworks such as dams, embankments, tunnels, reservoirs, pavement subgrades, and specialized applications like waste containment systems. The preciseness of such design is entirely based on the experimental information obtained from a geotechnical laboratory. Therefore, a geotechnical engineering laboratory has a great role to play in rendering the subsurface a safe and stable load bearing medium. The lab is also utilized for consultancy services viz. engineering and index properties of soil as well as strength characteristics of aggregates.

Major equipments: UCC apparatus, Direct shear apparatus, Motorised sieve shaker, Set of sieves, Consistency limit determination apparatus, Consolidometer, Hydrometer, Swell test apparatus, Light and heavy compaction apparatus, core cutter, sand replacement apparatus, thermostatically controlled oven, Pycnometer

Experiments Conducted: Tests for the assessment of index and engineering properties of soil such as cohesion, friction, CBR percent, Consistency limits, Free swell index, maximum dry density and OMC, Field density, Specific gravity, natural moisture content etc.

Transportation Laboratory

Transportation engineering applies scientific and technical knowledge to provide economical and efficient transportation service that meets societal needs while maintaining compatibility with environmental, energy and safety goals. The Transportation Engineering Laboratory is equipped with modern equipment for testing different properties of pavement materials. The tests on materials such as the bituminous binders and bituminous mixes used in top layers of flexible pavements, the aggregates used in various pavement component layers and tests on soils used in the subgrade and embankment can be done in this lab. The equipment in the lab is being used for consultancy work like testing the quality of materials used in pavement construction and pavement mix design. The laboratory consists of Marshall Stability Apparatus, Los Angeles Abrasion Testing Machine, Aggregate Impact Testing Machine, Ductility Testing Machine, Ring and Ball Apparatus, CBR Apparatus, MERLIN.

CAD Laboratory

The Objective of this lab is to introduce various CADD software (AutoCAD), softwares used for Analysis & design (Staad Pro) and softwares used for planning & management (Primevera). Computer Aided Design (CAD) revolutionizes the design process by integrating information technology into various stages. A CAD system typically comprises specialized software, hardware components, and peripherals tailored to specific application areas. CAD doesn't alter the essence of the design process; instead, it assists designers throughout, from problem identification to implementation. In modern times, software for drafting and design has become indispensable, offering convenience and efficiency. Mastery of these tools is imperative for students as they prepare for their future careers. In our curriculum, students receive training in drafting using AutoCAD and design using STAAD.Pro. These platforms equip them with essential skills to navigate the complexities of real-world design projects effectively. By leveraging CAD software, students can visualize, analyse, and refine their designs with precision and accuracy, ensuring they are well-prepared to meet the demands of the industry upon graduation.

Structural Engineering Laboratory

Well set up lab for performing experiments for M Tech structural engineering students

Department Library

The Department Library houses 600 volumes in more than 100 titles in a spacious room. The titles cover the entire areas of civil engineering including emerging technologies. The books contributed by students, faculty and publishers, and are issued to the students and faculties on demand.



+ 91 944 72 90 939

04885-287751 / 287752, Extn : 200


Department of Civil Engineering, VAST is a State Government empanelled consultancy agency. The major clients are NHAI, LSGD,KWA, KPWD. Many consultancy work from Private organizations are also undertaken by the department.
Milestone achievement:As a part of the Kerala Govt project for the rejuvenation of rivers, a Detailed Project Report (DPR) was prepared by the faculty and staff of the CE Dept for the rejuvenation of the Karuvannur River. The DPR was handed over by Dr CJustine Jose (Prof and HoD, CE Dept), Ms Nirmala Krishnan, Ms Chithira Ajeeth, Ms Chithra M and Mr.Renjith R to Shri A C Moideen,Honourable Minister for Local Self Governments in March 2021.




  • CE Dept organizes  session by NICMAR
    CE Dept organizes session by NICMAR
    CE Dept organizes session by NICMAR
  • Published paper in International Journal
    Published paper in International Journal
    CE Faculty Member and Vidya students publish paper in International Journal
  •  CE student project gets funding from CERD
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  • CE Dept gets more involved in Rebuild Kerala Initiative
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  • CE faculty member defends PhD thesis
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    Ms. Anjali P Sasidharan (AP, CE Dept) successfully defended her PhD thesis
  • CE Dept gets grant from ATAL Academy
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    CE Dept gets grant from ATAL Academy for five-day FDP on earthquake engineering
  • CE HoD hands over DPR to Hon'ble Minister
    CE HoD hands over DPR to Hon'ble Minister
    CE HoD hands over DPR for rejuvenation of Karuvannur River to Hon'ble Minister Shri A C Moideen
  • CE HoD hands over DPR
    CE HoD hands over DPR
    CE HoD hands over Detailed Project Report for the rejuvenation of Karuvannur River
  • Third and sixth ranks in University
    Third and sixth ranks in University
    Third and sixth ranks in University : Proud moment for CE Dept
  • CE Dept faculty successfully defends her PhD thesis
    CE Dept faculty successfully defends her PhD thesis
    CE Dept faculty successfully defends her PhD thesis in Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences
  • Vidya signs MoU NHAI
    Vidya signs MoU NHAI
    Vidya signs MoU with National Highway Authority of India (NHAI)
  • CE Dept takes up consultancy works of LSGD
    CE Dept takes up consultancy works of LSGD
    CE Dept takes up consultancy works of LSGD
  • Two M Tech (SE) student secures
    Two M Tech (SE) student secures "perfect 10" SGPA
    Amal Krishna and Greeshma Chandran from Vidya secured perfect 10 SGPA.
  • Jenny Lawrence and Pranav Prathapan to NACTET
    Jenny Lawrence and Pranav Prathapan to NACTET
    Two final year B Tech (CE) students selected for free training by NACTET
  • LSGD SURVEY: Adds glory to CE Dept
    LSGD SURVEY: Adds glory to CE Dept
    Vidya participates in Rebuild Kerala Initiaitve : Adds glory to CE Dept



Vidya Academy of Science & Technology

Thalakottukara P.O., Kecheri, Thrissur - 680501, Kerala, India

Phone: +91 4885 287751, 287752

Fax: +91 4885 288366


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