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Vidya Academy of Science & Technology

A unit of Vidya International Charitable Trust

Accredited by NAAC with "B++" grade


Courses & Seats

Sl No. Courses Govt. Mgt. NRI Total
1 Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning 30 30 0 60
2 Civil Engineering (CE) 30 21 9 60
3 Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) 90 63 27 180
4 Electronics & Communications Engineering (ECE) 30 21 9 60
5 Mechanical Engineering (ME) 30 21 9 60
6 Electrical & Electronics Engineering (EEE) 30 21 9 60




Commencement of online application, counseling, closing of admission is as per admission schedule of the college ( see the Admission Schedule). Print copy of online application along with the requisite documents as per Prospectus can be sent to the college or hand over at college office or at VAST IT division, Thrissur along with DD for Rs.500/- towards cost of application & Prospectus. 


50% of the seats as indicated above will be allotted by the Govt and the remaining 50% seats filled by the college under the Management and NRI seats. 

  • Admission Process for Management Seats

Application to be submitted online within the scheduled period.
Sent the online application along with connected documents by due date.
Admission will be on merit bases.
Students will be called for admission counseling on notified dates and admission process carried out as per the rank list. 
Students will be accompanied by their parent.
Students will have the facility to record their higher options for various branches.
All original/ supporting documents and full fees will be deposited at the time of admission (See Prospectus 2022).

  • Admission to NRI seats

The seats will be filled based on merit. 
Please contact the IT Centre, Suntower, Thrissur./College Office.
Tele No: 
IT Centre - 0487 – 2442571/2442572.
College - 04885-287751/ 287752.
Time :  9:00am to 04:30pm 

  •  Cancellation of Admission

No cancellation of admission is permitted after the admissions have been declared as closed. Cancellation of admission after due date will be subject to payment of liquidation fees as stipulated by the Govt.

  • NOTE

Original documents once deposited will not be issued to the student for the duration of course of four years. Sufficient photostat copies of each document should be kept with the students duly attested by a Gazetted officer for their future use during this period.


  • Eligibility

1. Candidates who have passed Higher Secondary Examination, Kerala, or Examinations recognized as equivalent thereto, with 45% marks in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry put together are eligible for admission. However candidates who have passed Higher Secondary Examination, Kerala, or Examinations recognized as equivalent thereto, with 45% marks in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry put together are eligible for admission under Management Quota in Private Self Financing Engineering Colleges/Government Controlled Self Financing Engineering Colleges. In case, the candidate has not studied Chemistry, the marks obtained in Computer Science shall be considered. In case, the candidate has not studied Chemistry and Computer Science, the marks obtained in Biotechnology shall be considered. In case, the candidate has not studied Chemistry, Computer Science and Biotechnology, the marks obtained in Biology shall be considered. The marks as shown in the mark list of the Board of Examination obtained from the respective Higher Secondary Board shall be considered for academic eligibility.   
2. Candidates should have passed and be ranked in the KEAM  for Govt. Admission. Qualified in the KEAM /JEE (JEE Rank but with negative marks (including the same in individual subjects) shall not be considered for Management quota) for Management Admission.
3. Admission under NRI quota -   Students are exempted from qualifying in Entrance Test.  But, the following addl documents are required to be submitted at the time of admission under NRI quota:-

(a) NRI/Dependence/Sponsorship certificate  (Format –Download)

(b) NRI Admission Undertaking ( Format - Download)

(c) Copy of VISA of the sponsor
(d) Copy of Passport of the sponsor


  • Bus Service

Students residing more than 20 kms away from the college are advised to take hostel accommodation as a lot of time is wasted in travelling every day and they are not able to cope up with the study work and tend to lag in their academic performance. They also become physically tired and are not able to concentrate on their studies.

Bus fees are paid for one semester (6 months) period.


Vidya Academy of Science & Technology provides number of scholarships under various categories to support meritorious and needy students to complete their studies.                           

SL No Name of Scholarship Course Nos Eligibility Criteria
1 Vidya Merit - cum - means Full Fee Scholarships for socially and economically backward students. B- Tech 24
  • Family income not more than Rs. 150,000/- per annum

  • Admission in Vidya College (VAS) through Management or Merit Quota of Kerala Government Entrance Exam.

Lateral Entry 3
2 Vidya Excellence Full Fee Scholarships for Entrance toppers B - Tech 10
  • 1-5000 Rank holders in Kerala Government Entrance Exam.

  • Admission in Vidya College (VAS)

3 VIDYA - AICTE Full Fee Waiver Scholarships B- Tech 24
  • Admission under Govt. Quota – Family Income not exceeding Rs.6 lakhs.
4 Vidya Merit - cum - means Half Fee Scholarships B- Tech 12
  • Family income not more than Rs. 1,50,000/- per annum

  • Admission in Vidya College (VAS) through Merit Quota of Kerala Government Entrance Exam.

5 Vidya Full Fee Arts & Sports Scholarship B-Tech 1
  • State/National level achievers in Arts/ Sports events.
6 Vidya Half Fee Arts & Sports Scholarship B-Tech 1
  • State/National level achievers in Arts/ Sports events
7 Vidya PTA Merit cum Means Scholarship by PTA B- Tech 2
  • Family income not more than Rs.150000/- per annum
8 Vidya Alumni Merit cum Means Scholarship by Vidya Alumni Association B- Tech 2
  • Family income not more than Rs.150000/- per annum
9 Vidya Dean / Principal’s Scholarship for needy students B- Tech 2
  • Based on academic merit & income
10 Vidya Full Fee Scholarship for wards of Staff B- Tech 1
  • Eligible for wards of Non faculty staff based on academic & income merit
11 Vidya Half Fee Scholarship for wards of Staff B- Tech 1
  • Eligible for wards of Non faculty staff based on academic & income merit


Vidya Academy of Science & Technology

Thalakottukara P.O., Kecheri, Thrissur - 680501, Kerala, India

Phone: +91 4885 287751, 287752

Fax: +91 4885 288366


VICT | Vidya Kilimanoor | IT Division

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Affiliated to APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University & Approved by AICTE | ISO 9001 : 2015

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