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Vidya Academy of Science & Technology

A unit of Vidya International Charitable Trust

Accredited by NAAC with "B++" grade

Vidya Infrastructure

Multipurpose Auditorium

College have fully air conditional multipurpose auditorium.


Separate in-campus hostels are provided for men and women with spacious, well-furnished rooms. Common rooms offer TV, games, music, telephone, reading and internet facilities. Also provided are services of dining, laundry facilities and 24-hours security.
Boys Hostel - 154 Capacity (50 rooms - 3 inmates and 4 single rooms)
Ladies Hostel - 427 Capacity (77 rooms - 3 inmates , 88 rooms - 2 inmates and 20 single rooms)

College Canteen

A canteen that seats 150 plus persons, offers high-quality food at very affordable rates to students and faculty members. A store attached to the college canteen provides essential items.

Co-operative Store

The college has a co-operative store that provides textbooks, engineering drawing equipments and other stationery to students at concessional rates.

Solar Power plant

1) 15 KWp Solar plant is already installed in the South block during 2013 and is being generated about 2000 units of electricity monthly.
2) On 29-06-2018, we have commissioned a 125 KWp solar plant at the roof top of auditorium from which we would get 18000 units monthly. Our total monthly consumption of electricity comes around 50000 units. Hence we can save about 40% of monthly consumption of electricity through solar generation.


Banking services are offered on-campus by the Indian Overseas Bank


The college provides buses for students and faculty to commute from various locations. In addition, the college is easily accessible by public transport as the campus is located only two kms away from Kaiparambu, the central point between Thrissur and Guruvayoor.


Internet services

Institution has 900 computers spanned across various department and most of them are connected to the campus area computer network and to the Internet. Campus is digitally connected to the outside world using two WAN connections, two leased lines cumulative total speed is 350 Mbps.

Leased line 175Mbs 1:1, BSNL
Leased line 175Mbs 1:1, RailTel

UTM / Firewall

WAN connections and Campus Computer network are connected Sophos XG230, a UTM unit which is also used for user authentication and connecting Students, Faculty members and staff to Internet.

Campus Area Network (Wired & Wireless)

Campus LAN with 1000Mbps / 100Mbps speed covers the entire campus area and networks are logically segregated using Virtual LANs. Segregation is accomplished Cisco manageable switches, Cisco Catalyst 3850, Cisco catalyst 2950 and Cisco Catalyst SG300.Fibre links are used to connect networks across the buildings.

Wi-Fi Enabled Campus

Wi-Fi is enabled using access points of Cisco, D-Link ,TP Link and link-sys covering significant buildup areas of the campus.

Vidya ERP

Institution has its own Enterprise Resource Planning system and it is based on OpenERP, an open source based application. The ERP takes care of automating academic and administrative activities of the institution as well as other sister concerns of Vidya managed by the same management. Therefore this system helps bringing all institutions managed by VICT under the same hood.

Other IT related services

Biometric attendance system.
Institutions e-mail system (Google Apps).
News & Events repository.
Surveillance systems.

Information Technology Infrastructure Management Services (ITIMS)

Information Technology Infrastructure Management Services is group comes under CSE department aiming to take of IT related services of the Institution. The primary responsibilities of ITIMS are:

Design, management and maintanance of campus wide wired as well as wireless networks.
Surveillance system design and management.
Conduct of online examination using MOODLE.
Design and maintenance of various servers including ERP.
Design / maintain / trouble shoot hardware and software of various computer systems.

Sub station and Generator

Electrical power supply is maintained availing supply from KSEB Ltd through two number of Transformers having capacity of 400 KVA and 315 KVA , having voltage level of 11KV/433 volts. The transformers are of M/S KEL. Back up is given through 2 nos of Diesel generator having capacity of 380 KVA and 125 KVA each. The manufactures are M/s Cumins and Kirloskar.


The main college building is divided into 4 blocks namely: Main block, North block , South block and Decennial Block.Total building area is 41393.20 m2 (445391.00 Sq feet).


a)NAKSHATHRA VANAM:- Maintain a birth star tree garden
b)HERBAL GARDEN:- Maintain more than 100 Nos. of herbal trees
c)TREES PLANTED BY VIPs:- Maintain more than 200 Nos. different types of trees
d)"KAVU":- Maintain an artificial forest in a land of 50 cents.

Rain water harvesting system

Rain water from Bank building having a roof area of 250 Sqmt. and South block with an area of 1851 Sqmt is drained to the open wells near to the respective buildings with filter.
Rain water from the roof top of Decennial block (3579 Sqmt.) and Lady's Hostel-2 (650 Sqmt.) is being collected in the 2 Lakhs and 1.6 Lakh liter rain water harvesting tanks respectively.
Rain water from the Boy's Hostel, Main block, North block, Auditorium and LH-1 & LH Mess hall is collected in the pond at the East-West corner of our campus and recharging the water level directly.

Bio Gas Plant

We have 5 biogas plants in the campus with a cumulative capacity of 41 cubic meter from which we are getting 12.3 cubic meter gas daily. This biogas is being used in Cafeteria, Canteen and LH. Bio waste from the canteen and Cafeteria and solid waste from the septic tanks are used as the input of the biogas plant. Hence there is no question of the presence of Coli form and E-Coli bacteria in the water available in the campus.


In order to cater the demands of uninterrupted power supply to laboratories like CAD CAM lab, Embedded System, CE Project Lab, and other electrical equipments 165 KVA UPS support is rendered. It consists of one number 10 KVA ,5 numbers 15 KVA,4 Nos 20 KVA each. The suppliers are mainly is Emerson, Hykon and Unitek.


We have 2 Nos. Napkin destroyer incinerators in the Lady's hostel. There is a proposal to install 5 more incinerators in the college.

One No. 100 litre/6.0Kg incinerator is already installed near the canteen for the disposal of non bio waste at the campus.


As part of energy conservation project, we are started changing the Incandescent lamps, Fluorescent lamps, sodium vapour lamps, Mercury vapour lamps and CFLs with LED Lights. 40 Watts fluorescent tube consumes about 55 Watts power where as an LED tube of 18 Watts emits the same light. We already changed 340 Nos. of fluorescent tubes with LED tubes from which we saved about 2300 units of electricity monthly.


A sewage water plant with a capacity of 50000 litre is already proposed to install for the treatment of sullage and sewage water from the canteen, bath rooms, wash area and outage of soak pits and septic tanks


E-Waste is collected and action is being taken for disposal through Govt. agencies.


Though VAST Camps is being treated as a paperless campus, small quantity of wastepaper is collected and sold for recycling.


Vidya Academy of Science & Technology

Thalakottukara P.O., Kecheri, Thrissur - 680501, Kerala, India

Phone: +91 4885 287751, 287752

Fax: +91 4885 288366


VICT | Vidya Kilimanoor | IT Division

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Affiliated to APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University & Approved by AICTE | ISO 9001 : 2015

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