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Vidya Academy of Science & Technology

A unit of Vidya International Charitable Trust

Accredited by NAAC with "B++" grade

Electrical & Electronics Engineering

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The Department offers B.Tech Program in Electrical & Electronics Engineering. The academic offering is focused on the theoretical and practical aspects of Electrical Machines, Control Systems, Power Systems, Electrical and Electronic devices & circuits, Instrumentation etc. The programme prepares students for prospective careers in Energetics, Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution and in traditional industries requiring powered machinery, power electronics, automated instrumentation controls, etc.  

Vision of the Department

“Progress through Quality education in Electrical & Electronics
Engineering and to emerge as a Centre of Excellence in Education and Research for grooming the engineers as leaders of the society.”

 Mission of the Department

  • Provide our students strong theoretical knowledge, practical engineering skills and attitudes that will allow them to succeed as engineers and leaders.
  • Create and maintain state-of-the art research environment, which provides its students and faculty with opportunities to create, interpret, apply and disseminate knowledge of electrical engineering.
  • Prepare socially responsible graduates for life-long learning to meet intellectual, ethical and career challenges.




PEOs, POs & PSOs

Program Educational Objectives of the UG Electrical and Electronics Engineering(EEE) are:

PEO 1: Our graduates will have a solid foundation in mathematics, engineering sciences and Electrical & Electronics Engineering with a broad engineering core competence to formulate, analyze, and solve real life circuits, systems and installation problems.

PEO 2: Our graduates will be able to generate a curiosity for learning in breadth and depth by undertaking higher education and research.

PEO 3: Our graduates will have ability for multi-discipline teamwork, effective communication, self confidence, a high degree of personal integrity, and the belief that they can each make a difference in the society.

Program Outcomes:

Engineering Graduates will be able to:

1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and Electrical & Electronics Engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.

2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.

7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

12. Life-long earning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Programme Specific Outcomes

PSO 1. Students will be able to apply the knowledge of electrical and electronics fundamentals, circuit theory, control and instrumentation to analyze, design and synthesize components and systems to meet the needs of the industry.

PSO 2. Students will be able to apply their theoretical knowledge as well as hands-on experience in power systems including renewable energy sources, power electronics, electrical machines and industrial drives for developing economically viable, socially acceptable and sustainable solutions to complex electrical engineering problems.

PSO 3. Students will be motivated for continuous self-learning in engineering practice and pursue research in trending areas of Electrical and Electronics Engineering with the help of advanced learning methodologies and online courses.




Dr. Mary P. Varghese

Ph.D, M.Tech

Professor & HoD

Ext : 160

Previous Experience :- More than 15 years of teaching experience.

Areas of Interest :- - Power System - Renewable Energy


Dr. Mary P. Varghese


Ph.D, M.Tech

Professor & HoD

Ext : 160

Mr. Rajesh S.K.

Associate Professor

M.Tech, Ph.D*

Ext : 183

Ms. Anooja V.S

Assistant Professor

ME, B.Tech

Ext : 161

Ms. Neenu Thomas

Assistant Professor

M.Tech, Ph.D*

Ms. Akhila. R

Assistant Professor

M.Tech., B.Tech.

Mr. Arun Xavier

Assistant Professor

B.Tech., M.Tech.

Ext : 164

Mr. Krishnakumar.M

Assistant Professor

M.Tech, B.Tech.

Ms. Sheeja G

Assistant Professor


Ms. Lasitha Mohandas

Assistant Professor


Ms. Priya K P

Assistant Professor


Mr. Ajin Aravind

Prof (Adjunct Faculty)

Mr. Arun P. R.

Trade Instructor

Diploma, B.Tech - IT

Ext : 167

Mr.Jayaraj K V

Trade Instructor

Diploma, B.Sc.

Ms. Jisha P R

Trade Instructor


Ext : 174



KTU 2024 Syllabus

S1S2 BTech (2024 )

KTU 2019 Syllabus

S1S2 B.Tech (2019) syllabus

S3 B.Tech (2019) syllabus

S4 B.Tech (2019) syllabus

S5 B.Tech (2019) syllabus

S6 B.Tech (2019) syllabus

S7 B.Tech (2019) syllabus

S8 B.Tech (2019) syllabus

KTU 2016 Syllabus

S1-S2 2016                                                                     

KTU 2015 Syllabus




2014 Syllabus



2009 Syllabus



2004 Syllabus



2000 Syllabus (2K)





M.Tech Power Electronics (KTU 2015)


M.Tech Power Electronics (2010 syllabus)




Class Rooms

Five class rooms with a seating capacity of 70 each, all equipped with Projector & Green Board.

Department Seminar Room

The Electrical Department has a fully acoustically designed Seminar hall, with a seating capacity of around 60 with writing pad & Projector. Wi-Fi facility is also provided here. The Seminar hall is located in the First floor of the South Block.

Department Library

Nearly 600 books related to various disciplines are available. Both staff and students can hire books from here.




Basic Electrical Engineering/Power System Laboratory

This laboratory has an area of 1705 Sq. ft. Students will be able to verify basic theorems related to Electric Circuits, Power measurement in single phase and 3-phase circuits etc. Some of the major equipments in the lab are auto transformers, two winding transformers, Inductive Loads, dynamo type wattmeter, clip on ammeter, etc.


Electrical Measurement Laboratories

This laboratory has an area of 942.38. Sq. ft. Students will be able to understand the basic working principle of various Electrical Measuring Instruments,  calibrate various Electrical Instruments, understand the concept of instrumentation via Transducers etc. Students will be able to relate between theory and actual working of measuring instruments. Some of the major equipments used are LVDT, energy meters, ammeter, voltmeter, wattmeter, vernier potentiometer, Wheastone’s Bridge, Kelvin Double bridge, Phase Shifting Transformers, Current Transformer, etc.


Electrical Machines Laboratories   

This laboratory has an area of 3865.90 Sq. ft. Students will be able to perform standard tests on DC machines, transformers and understand their performance. They will be able to perform various analysis on ac and dc machines.. Some of the major equipments used are DC Shunt Motor, DC Series Motor, DC Compound Motor, DC Shunt Generator, DC Series Generator, DC Compound Generator, DC Shunt Alternator, 3 Phase Induction Motor (Slip Ring & Squirrel Cage), Single Phase Induction Motor, etc.


Advanced Electrical Engineering Laboratories   

This laboratory has an area of 1582.80 Sq. ft. Students will be able to familiarise the control system concepts using hardware and simulation experiments, conduct experiments on microprocessors and microcontrollers and its interfacing & to Simulate and analyse power system networks. Some of the major equipments used are 8051 Based microcontroller Trainer Kit, DAC / ADC Interface, etc.


Simulation Laboratories         

This laboratory has an area of 1582.80 Sq. ft. Students will be able to design & implement experiments using MATLAB software and its simulation. They will be able to design and implement firing circuits for power to setup some basic chopper circuits. The major software are MiPower, MATLAB, SciLab, etc.


Power Electronics Laboratories

This laboratory has an area of 1903.10 Sq. ft. Students will be able to get practical knowledge through hardware implementation of the power electronic circuits. They will be able to get detailed analysis of power electronic circuits like UJT, SCR and to get a strong foundation advanced converter techniques and their control in modern Power Electronic Systems. Students will be able to use IGBT based single phase PWM inverter,25mHz 500ms/s DSO, R, RC firing module, transistorized power supply, flash programmer, power oscilloscope, digital multimeter.


Power Electronics Simulation Laboratories

This laboratory has an area of 1903.10 Sq. ft. Students will be able to get practical knowledge on the design and implementation of power electronic circuits, to introduce MATLAB software and its simulation. The students are able to use laptops with Windows 7 & 8.1 operating system. There are about 30+ laptops in the lab. There are also other facilities like projector, printer, etc.


Analog/Digital Laboratories

This laboratory has an area of 942.38 Sq. ft. Students will be able to set up basic electronic circuits, to design and setup various electronic circuits using op-amps. They will be able to design and develop basic digital circuits be familiar with the pin configuration of 8085, to design and set up adders, counters etc. with NAND gates. The students are able to use multiplexer, demultiplexers, flip flops.




Kurumal, Thalakottukara P.O., Near Kaiparambu,

Thrissur - 680501, Kerala, India

Phone: +91-4885-287751 / 287752,

Fax: +91-4885-288366



Corp. Office:

Sun Tower, East Fort,

Thrissur - 680005,

Kerala, India

Phone: +91-487-2442571 / 2442572,

Fax: +91-487-2442572




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  • ROOTS Scholarship 2023
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  • Students develop cost-effective Electric Go-Kart
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  • EEE Student to take part in RD Parade 2023 in Delhi
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  • EEE Dept conducts  first phase of
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  • Internship at Xioami India
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  • First position in IGNITE Innovation Challenge 2022
    First position in IGNITE Innovation Challenge 2022
    Sreehari A M,B Tech (EEE) 2020 pass out batch of Vidya has been selected for the "National Level Best NSS Volunteer"


Vidya Academy of Science & Technology

Thalakottukara P.O., Kecheri, Thrissur - 680501, Kerala, India

Phone: +91 4885 287751, 287752

Fax: +91 4885 288366


VICT | Vidya Kilimanoor | IT Division

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Affiliated to APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University & Approved by AICTE | ISO 9001 : 2015

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