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Vidya Academy of Science & Technology

A unit of Vidya International Charitable Trust

Accredited by NAAC with "B++" grade

Electronics & Communication Engineering

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About Us

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


                       The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) currently offers an undergraduate programme leading to B. Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering as well as a post-graduate programme leading to M.Tech in Embedded Systems. The present intake is 120 for the undergraduate programme and 18 for the post-graduate programme. State-of-the-art facilities are provided both in the classrooms as well as in the laboratories. An atmosphere conducive to acquiring knowledge and emphasizing practical learning is also extended to all students. The department motivates both co-curricular and extracurricular activities, for the overall development of its students. The department strives to evolve into a nationally and internationally recognized organization for excellence and innovation in education, research, professional service and outreach. To extend these services, the ECE department has a team of well qualified, experienced and committed staff members.




“To be a centre of excellence in electronics and communication engineering through value-based education and research”



  • M1: To provide students state-of-the-art academic ambience for quality education.
  • M2: Facilitate interdisciplinary learning, industry interactions and research initiatives for long-term career development goals.
  • M3: To educate and mentor students on professional responsibilities, ethical values, and lifelong learning.

Program outcomes (POs)

The graduates of Electronics and Communication Engineering will be able to:


  1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and Electronics and Communication engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  2. Problem analysis: Identity, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering
    problems, design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in the societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge for sustainable development.
  8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional responsibilities for better engineering practice.
  9. Individual and teamwork: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary surroundings.
  10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and society at large, to comprehend and write effective reports, design documentation, and make effective presentations, as per the guidelines.
  11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles, apply these to one’s own work, as a member or leader in a team, to manage projects in multidisciplinary environments.
  12. Lifelong learning: Recognize the need for preparation, engage in independent and lifelong learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

Graduates will be able to:


  • PEO1: Design, solve and analyze real-life engineering problems in electronics and communication.
  • PEO2: Excel in a professional career as innovators, entrepreneurs or researchers.
  • PEO3: Manifest professional leadership skills, with creative thinking and lifelong learning upholding ethical values.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

B.Tech Electronics and Communication Engineering graduates will be able to:


  • PSO1. Apply the concepts of communications, signal processing and hardware systems in the design and implementation of engineering systems.
  • PSO2. Solve real-world electronics and communication engineering problems, using appropriate hardware and software tools.
  • PSO3. Display professional skills in electronics and communication engineering by covering each step of an investigative, creative or practical project.


Dr. S Swapna Kumar

Ph.D, M.Tech, BE, MBA, (F I E, C. Engg (I), MISTE, MIEEE)

Professor & HoD

04885287751 Ext : 119

Previous Experience :- 11 years 9 months in national and international industry & 17 years 2 months in an academic institution (as of July 2024).

Areas of Interest :-

  • Advanced Embedded Processor, Computer Networks, Cryptography & Network Security, Data Communication, Digital Communication, Digital Image Processing, Digital Electronics, Digital Image Processing, Electronics Device and Circuits, Electronics Instrumentation Design, Embedded OS & RTOS, Internet of Things, Information Theory & Coding, Information Security, Management for Engineers, Mobile Computing, Real Time Operating Systems, Secure Communication, Soft Computing, Wireless Communication Systems, Wireless Sensor Network, Wireless Technologies, MATLAB & LaTeX
Other contribution areas:-
  • Reviewer of the International and National Journals.
  • Successfully supervised two Ph.D. research scholars.
  • Examiner for evaluating of Ph.D. Thesis.
Publications :-
  • Journals: International papers (10); National papers (28); Institutional publications (4)
  • Conference: International (9); National (28)
  • Google Scholar: Citation indices- 153, h-index 7, i10-index 4

01. A Guide to Wireless Sensor networks

02. MATLAB - Easy way of learning

03. LATEX- a beginner guide to professional documentation

Contact Details:- ,

(+91) 4885 287751/52 Ext : 229


Dr. S Swapna Kumar


Ph.D, M.Tech, BE, MBA, (F I E, C. Engg (I), MISTE, MIEEE)

Professor & HoD

04885287751 Ext : 119

Ms. Divya Unni

Assistant Professor


Ms. Fetsy K Francis

Assistant Professor

M.Tech, Ph.D*

Mr. Santumon S D

Assistant Professor


Ext : 705

Mr. Anil M

Assistant Professor

M.Tech, Ph.D*

Ext : 247

Ms. Honey Mol P K

Assistant Professor

M.Tech, Ph.D*

Ms. Ashitha P R

Assistant Professor

M.Tech, Ph.D*

Ms. Vandana M

Assistant Professor


Ms. Anju Vincent

Assistant Professor


Ms. Sagna L T

Assistant Professor


Ms. Aswathy E R

Assistant Professor


Dr.Abitha M.A

Associate Professor

Ph.D, M.Tech

Ms. Baby K A

Assistant Professor


Mr. Balan k

Prof (Adjunct Faculty)

Ms. Viji Vinodan

Instructor Grade II

Diploma in Electronics, MCA

Ext : 705

Ms. Shegi Indulal

Trade Instructor

Diploma in Electronics

Ext : 168

Ms. Priyanka Vijayakumar

Trade Instructor

Diploma in Electronics, B.Tech

Ext : 138

Mr. Sourav Babu

Trade Instructor



Anjana P of B Tech (ECE) receives Sunny Diamonds Outsparkle Award
Anjana P, student of B Tech (ECE) 2021 passout batch, received the award instituted by Sunny Diamonds, a leading diamond trading group for her outstanding academic and extracurricular activities. The award was given in recognition of excellence in the B Tech examination, representation of Kerala in the NSS Pre-Republic Parade and excellence in other extracurricular activities. Sunny Diamonds Director of Operations Mr Prem Sunny presented the award at a ceremony held at the Corporate Office of Sunny Diamonds.
Vidya’s team gets appreciation from IIT Bombay for its performance in e-Yantra
The team comprising of Mr Ramesh C R, Mr Rakesh V S, Ms Jemy Jose Kakkassery (all AP’s in ECE Dept) and Mr Arun Xavier (AP, EEE Dept) was awarded the Merit Certificate for successfully completing all the tasks in the TBT Challenge and also for doing significantly well in all assigned tasks. They have been awarded a coveted Merit Certificate for their commendable performance in the Task Based Training Challenge (TBT Challenge) organised by IIT Bombay as part of the e-Yantra initiative. e-Yantra is an initiative of IIT Bombay sponsored by MHRD under the National Mission on Education through ICT program.
ECE student secures Merit Position in IEEE article writing competition
Praveena Francis (S5 B Tech ECE B batch) has been awarded a Certificate of Appreciation for securing the Merit Position in the Article Writing Competition organized by IEEE, Hyderabad Section, CS Chapter.
Paper by ECE student accepted for presentation in an IEEE International Conference

A paper titled “DeepNet: An Efficient Neural Network for Fake News Detection using News-User Engagements” and authored by Sreyas Namboodiri (B Tech ECE, 2016 admissions) has been accepted for presentation in the 5th IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Security (ICCCS-2020)  to be held at IIT Patna, India. Sreyas Namboodiri had completed a one month long summer internship under at Bennett University, Greater Noida, UP in 2019 and the paper is an outcome of the internship.

Fake news has an adverse impact on society as it may manipulate public opinions. Thus it is important to examine the credibility of news articles being shared on social media. In this paper, the author presents an effective deep neural network that is capable of handling not only the content of the news article but also the user-relationships in the social network.

S8 ECE student get placement in Digital Core Technologies
Anoop V H of S8 B Tech (ECE A) batch (2016 admissions) has been placed in Digital Core Technologies, a core company focusing on technology innovation and development. The company had conducted a one-day workshop in Vidya in the month of January 2020 and had selected him for a 10-day internship programme. On the completion of the internship, he was selected for an online test. On the successful completion of the test, he was selected for the interview after which he was given this offer.

Four Vidya students do one-month internship at Bennett University is a nationwide initiative by the Royal Academy of Engineering, UK under Newton Bhabha Fund on “AI and Deep Learning Skilling and Research”. University College (London), Brunel University (London) and Bennett University (India) are collaborators of the project. NVIDIA and AWS Educate, Videoken and Edvantics are industry partners. The initiative got further boost when AICTE saw great merit in the initiative and has recommended all of its approved institutions to associate with the project.


             Sreehari G. varma                          Rahul Vincent                               Sreyas Namboodiri

Four students from Vidya received an opportunity to take part in  a one month long Summer Internship under at Bennett University, Greater Noida, UP. Among them three students Rahul Vincent, Sreehari G. varma and Sreyas Namboodiri were from the ECE Dept. and one student Adharsh S. from CSE Dept.Each of the groups were given a live world wide competitions project on various themes. Team of Sreyas Namboodiri won the First Prize and their paper was recognised for its novelty with plagiarism under 1%. The university  have agreed to publish their paper in an international journal.Team of Rahul Vincent won an Appreciation Award for one of the best projects.

ECE alumnus receives national Best Innovator Award

Mr. Sarath Sasikumar C., an alumnus of the B.Tech ECE 2019 pass-out batch, received the Best Innovator Award.The award carries a cash component of Rs.100000 (Rupees one lakh) and a fellowship to attend specialised workshops on design packaging, marketing, etc conducted at NIRDPR from time to time.

Vidya ECE students selected as Incubatee of NSRCEL@IIMB

The five-member B Tech (ECE) student team from Vidya (Aishwarya Pradeep, Aiswarya Rajeev, Anjali P, Akash Sathian P and Aftab Ashraf A V) mentored by Mr Ramesh C R and Mr. Rakesh V S, Assitant Professors, ECE Dept, has been selected as Incubatee at NSRCEL@IIM Bangalore.




     NEETHU MOHAN                                        APARNA M.D.                                               ANJITHA V.

   1st RANK - (2011-2015)                          4th RANK - (2010-2014)                          3rd RANK - (2006-2010)


 Laboratories and other facilities

As per the Calicut University as well as APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University ( KTU ) syllabus, laboratory education is an important part of the engineering curriculums. Department of ECE has seven laboratories which represent to the curriculums for different semesters. With the rapidly changing technological trends in the field, the department constantly modernizes its infrastructure facilities to keep abreast. At present the Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering constitutes of following labs:
 1. Advanced Communication Lab 

Staff in charge – Mr. Anil M
Lab in charge – Viji Vinodan
Phone Extension – 705
Location  - MB-2-206
Area in square feet  - 82.4
Purpose - "S7 (2015 scheme) Communication Lab"    
Investment for equipment - Rs. 17,00,000/-
Name of the Important Equipments - Klystron And Gunn Microwave Kits, Optical Fiber Kits, DSO, CRO, Signal Generator, DC Power Supply
Description - The Microwave Lab supports intermediate and advanced courses in Electromagnetics and Microwave Engineering. Students experiment with transmission line propagation, antennas and microwave circuit components. The microwave laboratories provide the necessary hardware support for training the students in the area of RF and Microwave Engineering. It offers design and analysis of various components and devices to understand the basics of RF and microwave engineering, to boost the quality of engineering education, deepen understanding, and provide the necessary practical skills to young mind.

2. Basic Electronics Lab 

Staff in charge – Mr. Santumon S D
Lab in charge – Mrs. Shegi Indulal
Phone Extension – 168
Location - MB-1-109
Area in square feet  - 82.4 
Purpose  - S4 Digital lab (CSE), S3 Logic Circuit Design Lab
Investment for equipment - Rs. 5,05,000/-
Name of the Important Equipment - DSO, CRO, Signal Generator, DSO, DC Power Supply, Digital IC trainer kit.

Description - This laboratory will enable the undergraduate students to learn the basic concepts and techniques in basic electronics components and digital electronic circuits. The learning objective of this laboratory is to supplement the theory course of basic electronics and digital circuits and systems. In basic electronics workshop, the basic understanding of basic electronic components and familiarisation of electronics tools and equipment are done. The students will be able understand the knowledge of safety guidelines to avoid damage to components, tools, yourself and also others. Ability to assemble a circuit on a breadboard, test and troubleshoot prototype circuits. In Digital Circuits and systems lab, adequate introduction to both combinatorial and sequential logic circuits, such as, adders, subtractors, comparator, multiplexer/ demultiplexer, encoders/decoders, 7-segment display and decoder/driver, flip-flop, register, counter, etc. and various combinations of these is done.

3. Digital and Communication Lab

Staff in charge – Mrs. Resmi K Rajan
Lab in charge – Mrs. Priyanka Vijayakumar
Phone Extension – 152
Location - MB-1-114
Area in square feet  - 110.5
Purpose - S4 Circuits Lab, S5 AIC Lab    
Investment for equipment - Rs. 9,55,000/-
Name of the Important Equipment  - DSO, CRO, Signal Generator, DSO, DC Power Supply, Digital IC trainer kit.

Description - In this laboratory, our students are trained for constructing the circuits for analog and digital modulations. The concepts of all type of modulation & demodulation, and recent communication techniques are demonstrated using available hardware and software defined radio (SDR) tool. With this knowledge of hardware & simulation students can design basic digital systems to solve a given communications problem. In analog integrated circuits lab aims to understand the basics of linear integrated circuits and available ICs and to acquire the basic knowledge of special function IC. This lab helps the students to design various electronic circuits using operational amplifier.

4. Electronics Project Lab 

Staff in charge – Mr. Rajesh G R
Lab in charge – Ms. Baby K A
Phone Extension – 705
Location - MB-2-206A
Area in square feet - 55.25
Purpose - "Mini & Main Projects of B.Tech and M.Tech curriculum, S1 & S2 Electronics Workshop"    
Investment for equipment - Rs. 4,00,000/-
Name of the Important Equipments - DSO, PCB driller, soldering station, CRO, signal generator, power supply.

Description - Both UG and PG students will be able to do their academic projects in this lab with the available resources.

5. Microprocessor and Microcontroller Lab

Staff in charge – Mr. Sojan Francis
Lab in charge – Mrs. Priyanka Vijayakumar
Phone Extension – 138
Location - MB-0-003
Area in square feet - 82.4
Purpose - "S4 & S6 (2015 scheme) Microcontroller Lab, S5 DSP Lab, S6 Mini Project"    
Investment for equipment - Rs.9,76,000/-
Name of the Important Equipments - DSP kit, Analog Discovery 2, 8051 Microcontroller Development Board, PC.

Description - The microcontroller Lab has various types of microprocessor, micro controller trainer kits along with interfacing modules to demonstrate the detailed applications of microprocessors. The purpose of this laboratory is to train the students to be familiar with the software and hardware of microcontroller. The facilities in the laboratory enable students to build a firm background in microcontroller hardware as well as software . They acquire the practical skills sufficient to design and realize basic microcontroller based systems. The objective of the DSP laboratory is to enable the students simulate and experiment with digital signals and systems and apply the theory they have studied in DSP courses. Students can implement digital signal processing algorithms using different computational platforms and DSP tools.

6. PG Embedded System Lab 

Staff in charge – Mrs. Honeymol P K
Lab in charge – Mrs. Jeeja K R
Phone Extension – 131
Location - MB-0-011A
Area in square feet - 110.5
Purpose - "M.Tech S1 Embedded Systems Lab M.Tech S2 DSP Lab, M.Tech Mini & Main projects"    
Investment for equipment - Rs. 12,00,000/-
Name of the Important Equipments - PCS, FPGA KITS, DSP kits, brain sensor, 3-D printer.  

Description - Our vision is to set up Research facilities with lab infrastructure and manpower to create exposure and proficiency in IoT, embedded system technology by providing training in all domains of embedded system.

7.VLSI & Advanced Simulation Lab

Staff in charge – Mrs. Jemy J kakkasery
Lab in charge – Mrs. Viji Vinodan
Phone Extension : 227
Location - MB-2-207
Area in square feet - 138.125
Purpose - "S3 EDA Lab (2015 scheme), S3 Scientific Computing Lab, S6 Communication Lab, S8 Main Project" 
Investment for equipment - Rs. 24,00,000/-
Name of the Important Equipments - PC

Description - The EDA Lab is used to teach Signals, Systems and Transforms as well as various computer programming classes.




One Day Workshop by Digital Core Technologies

Digital Core Technologies, one of the leading companies in the Embedded System market conducted a one day workshop for the students of final year ECE students on 10th October 2022. The workshop conducted has been aimed at students, who have genuine interest in building a career in embedded / electronics product design and development. The workshop was leaded by the CEO of the company Mr.S.Thomas and the whole session was assisted by Mr.Nidhin, Mr. Abhilash, Ms. Anjali and Mr.Surya Dev (Alumnus of Vidya). Around 60 final year students have attended the workshop. Application level concepts regarding microcontroller, microprocessors and digital circuits were presented in the workshop. Students gained knowledge in core technologies by attending the workshop

Alumni Talk “Beyond B.Tech”

ECE Dept organized an Alumni Talk 'Beyond B.Tech' for final year students on 28/05/2022. The programme was conducted in Goole Meet platform. The resource Person was Ms Anjana P Muraleedharan, (ECE Dept Alumni),Staff Application Engineer,Infineon Technologies.She made a talk on different career opportunities after completing B.Tech. She also emphasized the importance of doing M.Tech . in Electronics Core areas like VLSI, Embedded Systems etc. She convinced the students about various job openings related to each area. Students were very much enthusiastic as they asked about doing various other courses in job oriented areas. It was really fruitful to the final years as they were in their last semester.

ECE alumnus interacts with S2 students

The ECE Dept. conducted an online Alumni Talk on “Pathway to Your Bright Future” for second semester students of the Dept. on 19 April 2022 via Google Meet. The distinguished alumni who interacted with the students was Mr. Rahul Vincent, a student of the 2020 pass out batch of B Tech (ECE), who is working as Chief Technology Officer, Estro Tech Robotics & Innovations Dr. S. Swapna Kumar (Prof and Head, ECE Dept.) welcomed the resource person and gave a brief introduction to the programme. The programme was aimed at creating awareness about the different areas that the students could get themselves involved along with regular academic activities. The resource person emphasized the importance of scoring good marks, doing small projects, making paper presentations etc. He explained the procedures to get internships in reputed universities and companies. He motivated the students to prepare for GATE, GRE and other competitive exams. He concluded with the observation that by going in a systematic way, all students could get placement in good companies.

S5 B Tech (ECE) students interact with alumnus from industry

Ms Resmi K Rajan (AP, ECE Dept) and  Ms Sruthi M (AP, ECE Dept), Group Tutors of the S5 B Tech (ECE A) batch, organized an interactive session with Mr Albin, Senior Embedded Software Engineer and an alumnus of the B Tech ECE (2013-2017) batch of Vidya, for students of the S5 B Tech (ECE A and B batches) on 2 October 2020. Ms Resmi K Rajan welcomed all. The session was kick-started at 10.30am with experience sharing by Mr Albin which was followed by an interactive session to clarify student’s doubts on career choices in the core field of ECE. Ms Ardra, student of  S5 B Tech (ECE A) proposed the vote of thanks.

ECE Dept organises AICTE sponsored national conference

The ECE Dept of Vidya organized an AICTE sponsored two-day National Conference on Innovations in Communication Networks, Information Security, Embedded Systems and Signal Processing  (ICIES 2020) during 27 – 28 August 2020. The Conference was held in the virtual mode due to the restrictions imposed by the Covid 19 pandemic.

Inaugural ceremony

The conference was inaugurated on 27 August, 2020 by Dr Santhosh Prasannan (Chairman, VICT) on Google Meet platform. Ms M Indira Priyadarshini (Operational Head, BFS, TCS Kochi) delivered the key note address on “Covid Times and Digital Technology”. Dr Saji C B. (Principal, VAST) presided over the inaugural function. Dr S Swapna Kumar (Prof and head, ECE Dept) welcomed all dignitaries and delegates. In his presidential address, Dr Saji C B highlighted the relevance of enhancing technical education quality and the importance of industry-institution interaction. Er G Mohanachandran (Executive Director) delivered a special address. Felicitations were offered by Dr Sudha Balagopalan (Dean-Academics) and Dr V N Krishnachandran (Vice-Principal). Ms Sarika K T (Coordinator, ICIES – 2020) gave an overview about the conference and Ms. Jeeva K A (Coordinator, ICIES 2020) proposed vote of thanks.

Technical talks

Dr M V Rajesh (Assoc. Professor, Model Engineering College, Thrikkakkara), Dr Remya George (Asst Professor, Sahrdaya College of Engineering & Technology), Dr Harigovindan V P (Asst Professor, NIT Puthucherry) and Dr Finto Raphel (Assoc. Professor and HoD, Sahrdaya College of Engineering and Technology) delivered invited talks on currently relevant topics.After peer review, 37 papers were presented by delegates from different parts of the country.

Four S8 B Tech (ECE) students present a paper in International Conference

A team of four S8 B Tech (ECE) students – Mamatha Warrier, Shanu Joshva Wilson, Sree Lakshmi Nair and Vishnudev K V – presented a paper titled “Stress Analyzer”  in  the International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems (ACCESS’20) organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology Kalady, Ernakulam, India during 28 – 30 May 2020. The paper was prepared under the guidance of Ms Resmi K Rajan (AP, ECE Dept).

M.Tech (Embedded Systems) students presents research paper in International Conference

Four girl students of the S4 M Tech (Embedded Systems) batch presented research papers relating to their ongoing Master’s Research Project work in the International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems (ACCESS’20) organized by the Dept of Electronics & Communication Engg, Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering & Technology, Kalady, Ernakulam, held during 28 – 30 May 2020. Due to the present COVID-19 induced lock-down, the oral presentations were conducted through Google Meet.

Four M Tech students complete instructor-led online certification program

Four students of S2 M.Tech (Embedded Systems) – Aishwarya I.B., Arunima K.Ramesh, Deepak T. Prathap and Priyamvada B.S. – successfully completed three-day live instructor-led online certification skill development program on “ASIC – Physical Design and Verification Using Mentor Graphics Toolset” organized by CoreEL Technologies, Bangalore. The live sessions were conducted by the resource persons from Sandeepani School of Embedded System Design, Bangalore.  The students were motivated by the subject teacher Dr. Kala Bharathan (Asso. Prof., ECE Dept.) and their mentor Mr Rakesh V S (AP, ECE Dept.) for the successful completion of the course.

ECE faculty serves as resource person for webinar on “Fundamentals of Robotics”

Mr. Ramesh C.R. (AP, ECE Dept.) served as a resource person for a webinar on “Fundamentals of Robotics” hosted by IEEE Student Chapter of SJCET, Palai jointly with IEEE RA S (Robotics & Automation Society) Chapter. The webinar was held on 20 April 2020 and was attended by 133 participants from various parts of the world.

ECE students interact with alumni

The ECE Dept organized an interaction between the final year B Tech (ECE) students and Anjana Muralidharan (B Tech (ECE), 2013 pass out batch) and Mr. Febin Bos (M. Tech, 2017 pass out batch), alumni of the Dept, on 18 January 2020. During the interaction the alumni spoke about the trials and tribulations they had encountered while trying to get a job.

Vidya faculty members participate in e-Yantra workshop at IIT Bombay

A team of four faculty members of Vidya, Mr. Ramesh C. R. (Team Leader,  AP, ECE Dept.), Mr. Rakesh V. S. (AP, ECE Dept.), Ms. Jemy Jose Kakkassery (AP, ECE Dept.) and Mr. Arun Xavier (AP, EEE Dept.) attended a two-day workshop at IIT Bombay on Firebird V Robot Kit using ATMEGA2560. The workshop, organised as part of the e-Yanthra initiative of IIT Bombay, was attended by around 30 participants from engineering colleges and polytechnic colleges across India. They also bagged Class-A awards in e-Yantra task based Training conducted by IIT Bombay with 97.6 % marks.

Internship Training Program organized for ECE Students

Mr. Thomas S, CEO, Digital Core Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Kochi was invited to conduct for the one day "Industry Internship Awareness Program" for S8 ECE students on January 7th (Tuesday) at Vidya Academy.

Vidya faculty and staff learn Robotic Process Automation

Under the auspices of Vidya Skill Centre, a Trainer Skilling Programme on Robotic Process Automation (RPA) was conducted in the College on 4th  November 2019.The programme was conducted with the support of UiPath Academy. The session was organized by Mr Ramesh C. R. (AP, ECE Dept.), facilitator for RPA Developer course organized by ASAP. All participants received Diploma Certification on RPA Starter Training and they are now ready to take up RPA Developer Course (level 1 to level 3).

ECE Dept organises two-day workshop for Diploma students

The ECE Dept. of Vidya organized a two-day fully hands-on workshop on “Embedded Programming “on 9- 10 December, 2019 for the final year students of Polytechnic Colleges. The objective of the workshop was to provide an introduction to and to create awareness about embedded programming based hardware and software tools through hands-on training on embedded systems design using ATMEGA238P micro controller. The workshop received a good response with more than 60 registrations from various Polytechnic Colleges.

ECE Dept organizes add-on course in Machine Learning

The ECE Dept. of the College organized an add-on course in Machine Learning for fourth semester B.Tech (ECE) and M Tech (ES) students during 22nd to 26th  July 2019. The expertise for the course was provided by by Pantech Solutions, Kochi. The course was designed to give the students an introduction to all the basic ideas of Python programming and machine learning. The course is expected to be helpful for students for doing their curriculum projects. Mr Bharath, ML Engineer, Pantech Solution, Kochi, served as the resource persons for the course.

Vidya students interact with industry leaders

A group of students associated with the IEDC of the College got a rare opportunity to interact with industry leaders and experts from various domains. The occasion was the “Students Top 10” programme organized by the ICT Academy Kerala on 28 March 2019. The “Top 10 Meet” began with a question-answer session on artificial intelligence.

Dept organizes invited talk on SONAR

Department organized a technical talk on “Sound Navigation and Ranging (SONAR)” on 14th February 2019. Dr. T. Ratnamani, (Scientist Grade-G, DRDO) delivered the presentation on  SONAR for the S2 and S4 students of M.Tech (Embedded Systems).

Trainers Training Programme on Robotics

The Vidya Skill Centre organised a Trainer’s Training Programme on Robotics  in the College on 23th  to 24th May 2019. Mr.Ramesh C. R. (AP, ECE Dept.) was the resource person for the programme. Faculties from various departments attended the workshop.

Faculty serves as resource person at Ernad Knowledge City

Mr. Ramesh C. R. (AP, ECE Dept) served as resource person for a two-day workshop on Embedded System Design using ARM Processors at Ernad Knowledge City (Technical Campus), Manjeri. The workshop was organized by the Association of Electronics & Communication Engineering of the College and around 60 students participated in the workshop. The two-day programme was a fully hands on session which started with basics of embedded system design followed by ARM LPC2148 architectural basics.

IEDC members attend IoT Application Development Workshop by ICT Academy

The IEDC members of Vidya, along with students from other colleges, attended the IoT Application Development Workshop organized by ICT Academy of Kerala at Infopark, Kerala. It was a two-day workshop conducted during 28th to 29th  March 2019. During the interactive sessions of the workshop, the participants learned about connecting IoT devices through cloud based services like Ubidots. They also learned about programming in Arduino IDE for NodeMCU.

Faculty member conducts skill development programs in various schools

“Phoenix Training Team” is a team of ECE students created under the aegis of the IETE Institutional Students Forum functioning in the College. Mr. Ramesh C. R. (AP, ECE Dept.) along with members of  the “Phoenix Training Team” conducted skill development programmes at several schools. During the programme, the school students were taught the methodology and technology of assembling LED electric bulbs, LED tubes and T-bulbs.The programmes were conducted at the following schools: (1) Sree Ramakrishna Gurukula Vidyamandir Higher Secondary School, Puranattukara, Thrissur (2) Irimbhiliyam GHSS, Valanchery, Malappuram (3) Al Ameen High School, Kechery and  (4) Elavally GHSS, Thrissur.

Dept’s special workshop for Nedupuzha Women’s Polytechnic College students

The ECE Dept. of the College organized a special three-day workshop for Nedupuzha Women’s Polytechnic College students on “System DESIGN using ESP8266” during 30th November to 2nd  December 2018 . Mr. Ramesh C. R. (AP, ECE Dept.) served as the resource person for the workshop.

Dept. conducts hands on workshop in LaTeX

The ECE Dept of Vidya organized a fully hands-on workshop in LaTeX for the first semester M. Tech (Embedded Systems) students on 31st  August 2019. The resource person of the workshop was Dr. S. Swapna Kumar (Prof and Head, ECE Dept).

Dept’s ENERGIA 2K18 : Workshop for polytechnic college students  

Department of ECE organized a two-day hands-on workshop christened “ENERGIA 2K18” during 7th to 8th  December 2018 targeted at the final year students of polytechnic colleges in Kerala. The fully hands on workshop was intended to give an introduction and awareness about Texas Instruments (TI) based hardware and software tools through training on ‘Embedded Systems Design using MSP430G2 Launchpad’

Vidya organises workshop on Arduino programming at Gurukulam Public School, Venginissery

A two-day workshop on Arduino Programming was held at Gurukulam Public School, Venginissery, Thrissur, during 20th  to 21st  December 2018 as part of the ATL Mentoring by Mr. Ramesh C. R. (AP, ECE Dept.).The students implemented prototype projects starting from simple PIR sensor based home security system, noise level detection and warning system, automatic irrigation system for herbal gardens and gesture controlled hexpad robots. A team of students also studied dot-matrix display with Arduino UNO boards and finally designed and implemented a real time e-welcome board for their school.

3-day workshop on Audio and Video Processing

A three-day Workshop on Audio and Video Processing was organized by ECE Department during 16th to 18th July 2018 aimed at providing an insight into the area of speech processing. The program was based on syllabus for the course offered in the Seventh Semester of B Tech (ECE) curriculum of APJAKTU. All the sessions of the workshop were handled by Dr. D. Govind of Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore).

LED Light Repair Technician Course under PMKVY

The “LED Light Repair Technician Course”, a Skill Certification Programme for 2017-18 periods was organized by the ECE Dept. for the College as part of the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY). It was inaugurated on 03.03.2018 by Dr. Sudha Balagopalan, Principal.

Expert talks about “Piezoelectric Materials and its Applications”

A technical talk on “Piezoelectric Materials and Its Applications” by Dr. V. Kumar (Scientist, CMET) was organized on 31.01.2018. Dr. Kumar talked about the research opportunities available in the field of piezoelectric materials.

IETE-ISF organized week long Skill Development Programme for ECE students

The College unit of IETE-ISF organized a one week long Skill Development Programme for the students of ECE Dept. during 19th to 25th July 2018 with the support of IETE Kochi Centre. The programme was aimed at enhancing the skills of the B Tech students of the department.

Alumnus talks about B.Tech life and industry experiences

Mr. Sandeep N. L., an alumnus of the B. Tech. (ECE) 2005 – ’09 batch, gave a talk to student of the college on his experiences as a B. Tech. and later experiences in industry.  Mr. Sandeep is now Managing Director, Vidyuth Energy Solutions, Thrissur on 22.09.2017.

3-day internship program in Machine Learning by ECE Dept

ECE organized a three-day internship program in Machine Learning during 5th to 7th January 2018 for the S7 B.Tech (ECE) students. Er. Poly M.V.,(Senior Engineer, KELTRON Knowledge Services Group), gave a motivational talk and officially inaugurated the programme. The various theoretical and practical sessions in the programme were handled by a team from KELTRON consisting Mr Sivahari Nandakumar, Senior Engineer, KELTRON KSG, Ms  Jasmi A, Senior Engineer, KELTRON KSG, Mr Sudheesh V S and Mr Hareesh Kumar N, Academic Executives, KELTRON KSG.

Internship programme in embedded systems and IoT

A three-day internship program in embedded systems and Internet of Things (IoT) was organized from 3rd to 5th January 2018 for the S7 B.Tech (ECE) students. The programme began with talk on introduction to the various activities of KELTRON by Mr.Giri,(Engineer, KELTRON Knowledge Services Group (KSG)), Trivandrum. The various theoretical and practical sessions in the programme were handled by a team from KELTRON consisting of Mr. Sudheesh V. S., Mr. Jaison Joseph, Ms. Ann Mary and Ms. Anupa Ann Joseph (Academic Executives in KELTRON KSG).









SL. No. Batch Total No. of Students Placed No. of Students Opted for Higher Students No. of
1 2014-18 86 17  
2 2015-19 70 11 1
3 2016-20 70 6  
4 2017-21 88 4  
5 2018-2022 79 1  








e-mail: 4885 287751/52  Ext : 119







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Vidya Academy of Science & Technology

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