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Vidya Academy of Science & Technology

A unit of Vidya International Charitable Trust

Accredited by NAAC with "B++" grade


Electronics & Communication Engineering

University Topper

Neethu Mohan

Hearty congratulations to Dr Abitha M A

Hearty congratulations to Dr Abitha M A on her well-merited Doctorate Degree

ECE Dept releases Volume 10 of Encircle

Encircle : Volume 10 on 27 September 2023.

Paper publication in IEEE Xplore

Publication of a research paper from ECE Dept in IEEE Xplore

Paper publication in IEEE Xplore

ECE HoD and Vidya alumna publish paper in IEEE Xplore

Revivatron CPR Robot

ECE students' project 'Revivatron CPR Robot' creates a center of attention in Print and Electronic media

Aiswarya for receiving Student Talent Award

Congratulations to ECE alumna Aiswarya Sivadas for receiving Chief Minister's Student Talent Award

S8 ECE student placed in Digital Core Technologies

Anoop V H of S8 B Tech (ECE A) batch (2016 admissions) has been placed in Digital Core Technologies, a core company focusing on technology innovation and development.

Vidya ECE students selected as Incubatee of NSRCEL@IIMB

The five-member B Tech (ECE) student team from Vidya (Aishwarya Pradeep, Aiswarya Rajeev, Anjali P, Akash Sathian P and Aftab Ashraf A V) mentored by Mr Ramesh C R and Mr. Rakesh V S, Assitant...

ECE alumnus receives national Best Innovator Award

Mr Sarath Sasikumar C, an alumnus of the B Tech ECE 2019 pass-out batch, received the Best Innovator Award .The award carries a cash component of Rs.100000 (Rupees one lakh) and a fellowship to...

ECE Dept gets financial assistance from KSCSTE

The proposal for organising a conference titled "National Conference on Advanced Innovations in VLSI, Embedded Systems, Signal Processing & Communication (AIVESC-2018) ", submitted by Dr. S. Swapna...

MoU for academic alliance between KELTRON and College

An MoU establishing an academic alliance between the College and Kerala Electro-Ceramics Ltd (KELTRON) has been signed on 30.10.2017.

Rank Holders

B.Tech ECE students with top positions in the Calicut University (2011-15)

VAST Enters to MoU with CDAC Trivandrum

VAST Enters to MoU with CDAC Trivandrum Vidya Academy of Science & Technology and CDAC-Trivandrum signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) as part of enlightening the faculties and students to meet...

University Topper

Neethu Mohan


Vidya Academy of Science & Technology

Thalakottukara P.O., Kecheri, Thrissur - 680501, Kerala, India

Phone: +91 4885 287751, 287752

Fax: +91 4885 288366


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